Talks and seminars
Talks |
[8] Zimmermann, R. Plescher, A. (2008). Effects of post-harvest processing steps on quality parameters of selected leaf and root drugs. 4th World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare (WOCMAP IV), Cape Town, South Africa |
[7] Plescher, A. Zimmermann, R. Henning, R. (2008). Factor-analytical quantification of the impact of post-harvest processes on dependent process parameter and important quality parameter of herb and root drugs. 18. Winterseminar und 5. Fachtagung Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen. Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany |
[6] Zimmermann, R. (2008). Documentation of production in medicinal plant farming. Ökoplant e.V., Altenkirchen, Germany |
[5] Zimmermann, R. (2007). Quality management guidelines for medicinal and spice plant farming. Interessenverband Heil-, Duft- und Gewürzpflanzen e.V., Nöbdenitz, Germany |
[4] Plescher, A. Zimmermann, R. Zobel, I. (2004). Effects of post-harvest processes on the quality of medicinal plants. Fachtagung für Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen 2004. Jena, Germany |
[3] Zimmermann, R. (2003). Effects of N-Fertilization on Biomass and Secondary Metabolites of three Artichoke Cultivars (Cynara cardunculus L. subsp. flavescens Wikl.). 3rd World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare (WOCMAP III), Chiang-Mai, Thailand |
[2] Zimmermann, R. and Mikus-Plescher, B. (2001). Target Quality - Enhancing Awareness in Plant Raw Material Production. International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Resources and Plant Biotechnology, Magdeburg, Germany |
[1] Zimmermann, R. (2000). Cultivation of Butterbur. 48th Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research, Zurich, Switzerland |
Seminars |
[7] Zimmermann, R (2008). Seed oil processing (technique, conditions, equipment). Zavkhan, Mongolia |
[6] Zimmermann, R. (2008). HACCP. Zavkhan, Mongolia |
[6] Zimmermann, R (2008). Fruit juice and by-product processing (technique, conditions, equipment), implementation of HACCP. Zavkhan, Mongolia |
[5] Zimmermann, R (2008). Quality Management of MAP-Production. Medicinal Plants of Buthan, EC Project Phase II, Artern, Germany |
[4] Zimmermann, R (2008). Seminar: General principles of medicinal and aromatic plants farming. Uliastai and Darkhan, Mongolia |
[3] Zimmermann, R. (2007). Quality of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants -criteria and impacts of agricultural production-. Schule der Dorf- und Landentwicklung (SDL), School of Good Governance, Berching |
[2] Zimmermann, R. (2007). Quality Management of MAP-Production. Medicinal Plants of Buthan, EC Project Phase II, Artern, Germany |
[1] Zimmermann, R. (2007). Natural Resource Management - political framework and technical methods - (CBNRM), Durvuljin Sum, Mongolia | |
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